Below is a list of links that may be helpful and of interest to you.
BespokeRemedy.Com take no responsibility for information or other content on these websites.
British Institute Of Homeopathy International
The British Institute of Homeopathy is the leader in online homeopathic education and training.
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is the largest public-sector provider of integrated medicine in Europe. Formerly known as the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
The College Of Practical Homeopathy
Over the past 30 years CPH has led the field in providing part-time, full time and now online, distant and blended training. CPH graduates receive a Licentiate in Homeopathy, the standard qualification for practice in the UK which qualifies you for membership of a professional body and to start your own practice.
British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons
The Association was formed in 1982, to advance the understanding, knowledge and practice of veterinary homeopathy (homoeopathy / homœopathy). It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopathy and to encourage and provide for the training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy
Homeopathy Research Institute
HRI is an innovative international charity created to address the need for high quality scientific research in homeopathy.